Home / Canada and other 160 countries embrace UN migration pact

Canada and other 160 countries embrace UN migration pact

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On Monday, December 10, 2018, Canada joined more than 160 United Nations (UN) member states that signed a new Global Migration Compact.

The new UN agreement sets 23 objectives for improving international cooperation on all forms of migration, from refugees to skilled workers.

While emphasizing the need to eliminate the “adverse and structural factors” that cause migrants to leave their country of origin, the objectives call for increasing “accessibility and flexibility of regular migration routes,” investing in skills development and promoting recognition of migrant’s skills, qualifications and competencies.”

The document also states that its goal is to optimize the “positive impact” of migration, which is called “the source of prosperity, innovation and sustainable development in our globalized world.”

The Canadian government stated that the pact is “the first multilateral framework for a global response to migration” and this happens at a time when about 258 million people are moving around the world. Of this number, 68.5 million are internally displaced persons who flee from war, violence, and discrimination.

Read also: Canada Gives A Green Light to Skilled Workers

In an interview with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship of Canada, Ahmed Hussen, said that the agreement provides the foundation for the international community on migration issues.

Ahmed Hussen, said the agreement helps countries empower migrants so that they can play a more active and positive role in their host communities. He also stressed that the agreement is not binding, which means that it serves as a set of guidelines for best practices in the field of migration.

Read also: Red Seal Certificate Is a Great Opportunity for Immigration to Canada

The Canadian government recently announced 2019-2021 Immigration Levels Plan, according to which Canada will accept more than 1.3 million new immigrants. In 2019, Canada expects 330,800 new immigrants via various economic, family, and refugee immigration programs.

To assess your chances for immigration, contact Green Light Immigration. We will be happy to make your Canadian dream come true!

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